Tech Recruitment Academy 2022: the third edition 🚀

On September 26th we kick-started the 3rd edition of our Tech Recruitment Academy. Spoiler alert: it has been going beyond our expectations. 

Unlocking tech talent stories

October 19, 2022

On September 26th we kick-started the 3rd edition of our Tech Recruitment Academy – and we’re here to tell you everything about it. Spoiler alert: it has been going beyond our expectations. 

First of all, what’s the Tech Recruitment Academy?

For those who are wondering what the TRA is all about (although we would be surprised if you haven’t heard of it by now), long story short it’s a 100% remote program promoted by Landing.Jobs that aim to specialize people in tech recruitment. A mix of sync and async Learning Sessions & Hands-On Training which will allow anyone, with the right motivation, to learn everything about recruitment and technology.

In 2020 we launched our very first edition, which was a success – and from that moment on we’ve been working on our program and content to make sure we keep reinventing ourselves so that we can keep offering the best experience possible to our soon-to-be specialized Tech Recruiters.

And what’s new with this edition?

In this edition, we’ve decided to be a little bit more ambitious and improve the structure of our Academy. Some updates about this edition that we would like to share with all of you:

  • It’s our first international Academy – we’ve decided to open applications for people not only based in Portugal but also in LATAM and EMEA!
  • In this edition, we welcomed 20 talented people from Portugal (from Porto to the Azores), Brazil, Nigeria, and Jamaica.
  • 5 new Training Sessions are included in this program – one of them being a round table with some external speakers from xgeeks, Mindera, LinkedIn & Poptin (more news coming soon).
  • This edition is also divided into 2 parts: Learning Sessions and Hands-On Training – but we’ve increased the number of hours dedicated to each part – 6 weeks for Learning Sessions (instead of 5) and 6 weeks for the Hands-On Training (instead of 4).
  • Because we work hard and play even harder, we’ve also implemented weekly moments for us to hang out virtually and get to know each other.
  • And, to ensure we didn’t risk losing talent, we’ve decided to make this edition free to all participants.
screenshot of zoom call
And when you think it couldn’t get better, brace yourself, because it does:

With the ultimate goal of improving go-to-market opportunities for our trainees, we’ve also decided to open this edition for some of our clients who would be interested in sponsoring this Academy – and guess what: Amyris decided to become the main sponsor of this Academy.

For those who don’t know it yet, Amyris is a North-American biotechnology company that is dedicated to making a positive impact in the world by developing and producing sustainable ingredients. Pretty awesome, isn’t it?

With the support of Amyris in this journey, we’ll be able to bring some more opportunities for our trainees – so thank you Amyris, for joining us in changing some lives! 

Some more (cool) numbers about this Academy:
  • 127 applications received
  • 20 (awesome) trainees who’ve joined
  • 3 (awesome) Landers who’ve joined our Academy as internals
  • 3 Landing.Jobs Teams were involved and dedicated to making it happen
  • 9 (talented) specialized Trainers dedicated share their knowledge with our trainees
  • 4 amazing people working on this team – which I will proudly name because I can’t thank them enough: Beatriz Agostinho, Micaela Pereira, and Telma SilvaI’m not sure if I told you enough times how awesome it was to work with you.
  • All done in 2 months – believe it or not.  

And what do I need to be part of this Academy?

Well, this class is already full, but we’re always eager to find more people passionate about learning and improving themselves. So if you a) are interested in the HR/Recruitment field and Technology, b) have full proficiency in English, and c) consider yourself creative, proactive, and dedicated, there might be some space for within the next edition! 

I want to join the next edition of our Academy, what should I do? 

Well, lucky you, we’re already planning the next edition of our Academy, and if you want to be one of the first to know more about it, you can apply directly here

If you have any questions about the Academy, you can also reach out to us at: [email protected] 

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