Best perks for developers

Regardless of the field, the programming area seems to have a very bright and sturdy future ahead.

Unlocking tech talent stories

March 2, 2021
There’s this unofficial rule or understanding in the startup community that encourages changing companies, jobs and cities as much as possible to gain experiences in a bit of everything and everywhere. In the end, the choice of moving and changing jobs comes down to each one of us, but we can’t deny that there’s a thrill in new opportunities and destinations.

To attract talent, quite a lot of companies, and particularly startups, put a lot of effort into portraying their company culture, benefits and perks, not only on job openings but on their website and social media channels. Employer branding is becoming more and more important not only as a concept but also as a significant company value and goal.

Startups are, generally speaking, the companies that put more work into company culture and employer perks and benefits. They position themselves as the companies of the present and the future, which empower employees and their productivity by being flexible when it comes to working.

With the boom in automation, mobile accessibility and virtual reality, the tech startup scene is the hot space right now. Tech startups are growing fast globally and, consequently, there’s a high demand for tech jobs, especially in the development field.

This growth brings many new job opportunities every day, but also quite a lot of competition. For this reason, many startups, to attract talent, pull their best cards on the table and offer perks and benefits to attract employees. Some perks are general across different industries and job positions, but in this article, we’re going to highlight some of the most valuable perks for developers.

Remote work

While it may not be the best way to start a career, remote work has been quite a valuable job perk for developers in the last few years and that has only increased since the Covid-19 pandemic broke.

One of the reasons why there are a lot of remote work opportunities is that developers only need a computer and an internet connection to be able to work. This is a valuable perk as it enables these professionals to work from anywhere in the world.

Work security

With the increase in mobile usage, the internet of things and the rise of augmented reality and visual assistants, developers are needed all around now more than ever. Regardless of your field, the programming area seems to have a very bright and sturdy future ahead.

This securityencourages students to get into programming in university and professionals to switch career paths. Platforms like IronHack and SheCodes allow professionals of any background and experience to give coding and programming a chance with their hands-on online part-time or intensive courses.

Even if you’re not looking to switch careers, learning the basics of coding can be an ace up your sleeve and set you apart from other candidates in the future.

Salaries are quite good

Different factors come to play when it comes to salary, mostly related to performance and experience, but also location. We have mentioned that one of the most valuable perks of being a developer is getting the chance to work remote. This gives developers the flexibility of choosing their ideal home base and getting paid the salary that doesn’t end up all going to making ends meet in a big city.

A recent study by Daxx details different salary ranges for developers across the globe. Out of all the countries mentioned, the highest salary for a Software Developer is the USA with an annual salary of around $110k and the lowest is France with $46.5k. At the end of the day, it’s the companies that define the salaries, but it shouldn’t deviate much from what is globally known as the average salary for a position. Many companies might not detail the salary range on the job ad, and they have their reasons, but if you see yourself reflected on what you’re reading, I’d suggest to apply and deal with the salary later.

Landing.Jobs has also recently surveyed the portuguese tech market regarding salaries, perks and other interesting factors, and will soon release the findings, so keep an eye out for that!

Constant learning

It seems like every week there’s a new gadget to make our lives more pleasant, healthier and easier. In the digital world that we live in, almost everything is crafted with the help of a team of developers and programmers.

The best thing about IT and the digital world is that it’s in constant change and, even if that requires everyone to be on the watch for new updates and trends, it also means that you will never know enough and you’ll get the chance to work and continue learning every day.

Work for startups linked to international corporations

Startups have changed the way we work by allowing professionals flexibility, a great workspace, team and company culture that is based on community, constant communication and powered by growth. International corporations are slowly but steadily catching up on the perks and opportunities that startups bring to the table. Some of the world’s biggest corporations have their own Digital Hub where digital, innovative and out of the box ideas are created, developed and put out to power the bigger player and bring newer solutions to the table.

These are just 5 perks of being a developer, but, of course, there are many more. The job security, the possibility to always work remote and constant learning make being a developer an interesting and exciting career path.

If you’re looking for developer job opportunities make sure to check out the openings on, the lead portal for tech jobs in Europe.

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