100 days of code
100 days of code is the perfect procrastination killer. The rules are simple: code daily for more than 1 hour and tweet your progress daily. You’ll build great momentum and at the end of the challenge you will be far far better than where you started and you’ll have a habit to sit down and work daily
Project Euler
Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems
Reading one tech-related article per day
For most of the developers, most of their learning comes from blogs/documentation/tutorials, — however, doing this regularly is something that few people follow regularly. One article a day and you make your way
Participate in a hackathon
Hackathons are great for learning loads of things and building your network as a developer. Even with pandemics, there are a lot of them happening online so you can participate remotely. Moreover, you will have a project to work upon and showcase.
Start working on your idea
We all have a dream project in our mind but we somehow end up doing something else or procrastinating. Break all those barriers and just do what you want to do. Start your dream project! What’s the worst that can happen?
Start Loving Mondays
As you know, Mondays can be a stressful and boring day, especially if you work for a company that does not motivate you and keeps your life static and without challenges. At Landing.Jobs we want to change that and give you the opportunity to explore your capabilities, offering opportunities at the best tech companies in Europe. Make sure you check our open positions.
What do you think about these? Ready to do something different? Let’s go!
This text was originally published on the Landing.Jobs newsletter, exclusive for Landing.Jobs’ users. To have first hand access to brand new content about the tech recruitment market and advice on your career, join Landing.Jobs.
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