Red Pill or Blue Pill series: migrate to “my career”

$ I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?

Unlocking tech talent stories

May 25, 2017


Reality is a funny thing. The life you’ve led is not, in fact, the totality of what is possible for you. And if you can release yourself from the bonds you don’t even see, you would then be able to see the world as it truly is.

We keep training and educating people to seek false safe harbors with large companies, preferably multinationals with many different divisions in which to gain experience. Such positions were difficult to get, but once there the graduate was pretty much assured of a progression through the organisation.

Not any more.

People are growing tired of the Mr. Smith’s of our world, all those pre-formated white collar jobs that just limit our professionals’ potential and simply convert the rest of the world into reflections of themselves, soulless representations, devoid of true purpose.

The “milkround”, during which graduates are hired by companies at their universities, is becoming less important in recruitment. And, for skilled professionals, the variety and depthness of their experience is much more valuable than a fancy degree from a hotshot university.

No more jobs for life

$ You have to understand… most people are not ready to be unplugged.

Long gone are the jobs for life with their planned career structures and company training schemes. Gone is the clear functional identity and the progressive advancement up the corporate ladder. Gone is the false security of large corporations. The only assurance in life is your knowledge and your value in the market.

According to a LinkedIn’s 2016 survey: one in each three tech professionals has changed jobs in 2016, and over the last 20 years, the number of companies people worked for in the five years after they graduated has nearly doubled. Job hopping is growing both amongst generation xers and millennials, and they’re not apologizing for it.

Most people assume that talented employees who change jobs frequently are always chasing a copper or two. This may be partly true, but is only a piece of the puzzle. It’s true that most job-hoppers can raise their salary faster by changing companies than by going through the annual review cycle. However, it certainly doesn’t happen for everyone though and, in some cases, tech professionals actually take a pay cut to change jobs and pursue a project they relate with.

At the end of the day, the majority of them are flocking to smaller and more agile organizations looking for opportunities for advancement that can offer career growth, not jobs.

Start My Career

$ I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up.

People are job-hopping more and more, the gig economy will eventually plateau and job automation has been forcing people to acquire new skill sets. We see it happening every day, all around us: the shifting sands of the tech jobs marketplace.

You have a choice. You can keep running the same endless loop on that subroutine you call life, and 20 years from now you’ll reflect back and say “Oh, man. Why did I not consider that 20 years ago?” Sigterm that loop. Take action. Take control. While there’s plenty that one does not need to have all figured out in the early career years, there are a few things that all of us should at least consider. Why? Because they may very well lead you to big-time success down the road.

Remember: you don’t need any more answers to guide you, only someone willing to pose the right questions!

$ You hear that Mr. Anderson?… That is the sound of inevitability.

RPBP - Script 2

> Continue down the rabbit hole? [don’t get stuck in a plateau]

> Rollback to previous post? [how deep does the rabbit hole go?]

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