Landing.Tech #25 — Amazon Alexa security bug allowed access to voice history

Can you believe that more than 60% of the year is completed?

Unlocking tech talent stories

August 17, 2020

Can you believe that more than 60% of the year is completed? I know that for some of us it seems like 2020 is taking a long time to pass, but at the same time, I feel like it’s going really fast. Do any of you feel the same? Anyway, watching the Champions League matches happening right now, even with all this is one of the easiest ways for me to manage my stress. And yes, I do miss playing football with friends!

But enough with the ramble, what happened this week?

I don’t personally have an Alexa in my home, but if you do, you might have been hacked. Cybersecurity researchers from Check Point discovered the bug and already informed Amazon. The bug allowed hackers to install or remove apps from the device, and the hack only required the hack required a malicious Amazon link, which would be sent to an unsuspecting user. Are you against or in favour of smart home devices, having into account cases like this?

Speaking of links and attacks using them, Google is testing domain-only URLs to fight attacks using misleading URLs. It will be tested on the Chrome 86 release, and the links will show only the domain of the website. For instance, if you click, instead of seeing the full link on your browser, you’ll only see,

I will be interested in seeing if this will be the standard in the future.

Can you imagine having a daily job where there’s a big probability that you’ll find an unexploded bomb from the 2nd World War? Well, Rovco, a company that works in the Thames, is used to that. They are currently working on making their robots more intelligent with the objective of having autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that will be able to do the surveying work without much human oversight and send the data back to surveyors in the office. Pretty bombastic job isn’t it?

We’re pretty much halfway through August, and we’re approaching the end of the year at full speed. 2020 has been crazy and unexpected, so I’m really curious to know what else 2020 has in store for us. Remember, we have an election in the USA coming, and unfortunately, the specialists also say that the second wave of COVID-19 is coming. This we can predict, but what crazy things do you think we can still expect? I’m hoping for a crazy winner in the Champions League like Lyon or Leipzig.

The future starts today.
Pedro Saraiva
Event Producer @ Landing.Jobs

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