Hack Your Job Search with Landing.jobs Tech Assessments

We’re here to make your job search more manageable and less stressful, which is why we’re so excited about this new feature.

Unlocking tech talent stories

September 2, 2019

It’s time. You need a new challenge, and it’s time to start looking for a new position. But just thinking about — THE JOB SEARCH — makes you about as excited as decaf coffee on a Monday morning. The time, the hassle, the stress. You wish you could hack your way into your dream job. While that technically may not be possible (or legal), you can at least hack your job search with Landing.jobs new tech assessment feature.

Without our tech assessments, the typical job search goes something like this:

  • Find companies that are hiring for the position in which you’re interested.
  • Apply to the hiring companies.
  • Go through a bunch of different company-specific recruitment process steps.
  • Complete a different tech challenge for each company.

At the end of a workday, much less the end of a workweek, the last thing you feel like doing is taking a bunch of tests. It’s exhausting just thinking about it!

Then there’s the frustration that comes from companies passing you over. Maybe it’s because you didn’t go to a prestigious university. Or maybe your grades were more a reflection of the time spent working on your social skills and not a reflection of your intelligence. Or perhaps your resume doesn’t adequately convey your skill level (we can assist you with that!). And yet, you know people who have been interviewed and hired by companies that didn’t call you back. These are the same people you used to work with and who always asked you for help when they got stuck.

Landing.jobs is here to help. We’re here to make your job search more manageable and less stressful, which is why we’re so excited about this new feature. Our tech assessments reduce the time spent applying to new jobs by eliminating the need to complete a different challenge for each company. It’s a one and done.

It also helps you prove your value to prospective employers. Your resume talks about what you’re capable of, but a tech assessment shows them what you’re capable of. It helps level the playing field (in case it goes wrong, you can retake the assessment when you’re back to feeling like the Cristiano Ronaldo of tech that you are).

Here’s how a job search with Landing.jobs new feature works:

  • You identify the position title to which you want to apply.
  • An online challenge is identified based on the job category.
  • The assessment, chosen by the hiring companies from our assessment library, is made available to you.
  • You complete one online assessment (no feeling like ‘turning chickens’ for you!).
  • Get your grade (derived as a percentage from 0–100%).
  • Apply to companies recruiting for that position.

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of performing well on a tech challenge is that it can automatically move you one step ahead in the hiring process. That is how to hack a job search!

If you’ve been putting off making your next career move because of past job search experiences, then there’s no need to delay any longer. Our new feature will save you time and make the process a whole lot simpler. It’s time to boost your career|

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