Community Watch: Surveying the Portuguese Tech Market

A Tech Careers in Portugal 2018 Survey to find out what is happening in our community and to better understand the evolution of the tech market.

Unlocking tech talent stories

June 6, 2018

In attempt to give back to the tech community and the community of professionals and companies that we assist with finding the right positions, our co-founders José Paiva and Pedro Oliveira, created a Tech Careers in Portugal 2018 Survey to find out what is happening in our community and to better understand the evolution of the tech market. With the help of our team, we set out to gather results and discover market insights in order to dig a little deeper. I had the pleasure of interviewing our co-founders to find out more about this process and why they decided to take these extra steps.

We know what you’re thinking: “I am being asked to fill out another survey that’s supposed to help me in my career and ‘don’t worry it will only take a second!’ blah blah blah…” Sure, you’ve been through that before but I assure you this time is different. This time the survey isn’t just for our records and to help us analyze market trends and the evolution taking place within the tech industry — it is to allow for learning and development to aid hiring companies and recruiters to better adhere to your needs. That’s right, we are doing this for you. Still not convinced this is worth your time? Let me break it down:

Help us help you:

Sure this survey is helpful for us to better cater to your employment needs, but it is also better for you as a professional to see this information first hand. The tech market is an ever evolving beast and over time it continues to grow and develop. Now, the only way to keep up with a fast changing market is to do the same for yourself. What better way to evolve professionally than being able to anticipate market progression over time? We noticed a lot of professionals were experiencing similar challenges when it comes to the tech market progression. We wanted to tackle this issue and dig a little deeper to find conclusions. With this survey we intend to be able to develop a more focused understanding of current salaries, perks available at certain companies and in certain fields, and the levels of success required for professional development. With knowledge of the evolution of the Portuguese tech market, we are allowing the community to keep updated on what is happening and how the market is developing.

Where to focus your time and effort:

When looking for a job, there is often the random and sporadic firing of applications and CV’s, blindly hoping to get a response or acceptance from any suitable company. In the survey we hope to suggest solutions to find the best way to solve this problem. Should you as the candidate focus more time and effort on the specifics? This means allowing both candidates and companies to become more concise in their searching as well as opportunities provided. With results from people just like yourself, searches can become more refined and focused on the true goal of a job posting: hiring. Then there is the flip side of these results, if you currently have a job…what better way to assess if it’s the right one for you than to see how it compares with other professionals doing the exact same thing.

Not here to change the market; here to improve it.

So far from gathering results we have already made some discoveries, that we think, will be very important for the future of tech. For example, we are surprised by the overall amount of tech professionals who did not go to a university and instead learned their trade from coding bootcamps. This has changed significantly over time and we imagine it will continue similarly in the future. Also, Portugal itself is home to many more senior tech professionals than there were thought to have been. What does this say about the growing market? And if remote work is often preferred by developers, how can these companies adjust their systems to provide more remote working jobs? These are the questions to find answers to.

In theory, these results allow for a construction of our platform to allow for more talent and company driven intel. “We are hoping to increase the communication between companies and candidates to understand what is taking place in market trends and how things have evolved over time and how we expect them to grow in the future,” stated co-founder Pedro Oliveira. This way, we can see how you compare to the individuals in your country, or even other countries for that matter, based upon overall skills and salaries. This can then validate or correct the general understanding of the tech market to improve overall functionality.

This can also assist the tech companies in the way that they function both in general and with recruiting. As suggested by co-founder José Paiva, “the difference to be made is what can companies offer to the people to make a change in their careers and the market overall. How can companies manage and solve problems for the larger masses and solve problems over a longer period of time. Breaking the big problems into small [ones].” Therefore the more information companies have, the more likely they are to keep up with the growing market and changes of candidate progression and development.

Continuing the progression:

Obviously, the more people that partake in this survey allows for more precise and concentrated results. Not only does this give us more information to include in our results, but it provides us with a means to give back to our tech community. While surveys of this structure have been done before, this is the first of its magnitude and detail. We designed it this way. So far we have interviewed almost 2,000 tech professionals (about 1% of the workforce in Portugal) and hope to only receive more responses before the results are released at the Landing Festival.

Looking for a more immediate benefit? For those who fill out this survey…we will provide you with a promo code to attend Landing Festival with 50% off an Access or Premium pass. Also, I think I forgot to mention… Landing Festival is the biggest tech careers event in all of Europe! Regardless, this situation is a win-win.

Fill out the survey and receive your promo code for a ticket for 50% off, click here.

See you at the festival!

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