Transform your business with network IT teams

Exploring the complexities of managing international IT teams and the solution of near-remote teams with Landing.Jobs and Tonnie.

Unlocking tech talent stories

September 13, 2023

Companies today want to boost quality, reduce expenses, and minimise turnover. But here’s the catch: recruiting top IT talent in major cities can be outrageously expensive On top of that, managing international employees comes with a bag of issues like consent, GDPR compliance, and providing perks that work seamlessly. 

Challenges of managing fully remote distributed IT teams 🌍

Managing a truly distributed and fully remote IT team can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. These challenges can vary widely depending on the nature of the work, the cultural differences involved, and the level of support and resources available.  Here are some common challenges:

  • Cultural differences: one of the most significant challenges is navigating cultural diversity. Different cultures have distinct communication styles, work ethics, and expectations. This can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and conflicts if not managed effectively.
  • Language barriers: when IT professionals from different countries work together, language differences can be a significant obstacle. It can hinder effective communication and teamwork, impacting productivity and morale.
  • Time zones: operating across multiple time zones can make coordination and scheduling a logistical nightmare. IT teams may struggle to find suitable meeting times, leading to delays in decision-making and project execution.
  • Legal and compliance issues: international labour laws and regulations can vary significantly, leading to complex legal and compliance challenges. Ensuring that your international employees are working within the boundaries of local laws and regulations is critical but can be a daunting task, and this struggle magnifies if you’re employees professionals from dozens of different countries. 
  • Payroll and compensation: managing international payroll and compensation can be complex due to currency exchange rates, tax regulations, and differing benefit structures. 
  • Benefits and perks: offering consistent benefits and perks across international teams can be challenging. Different countries may have different expectations and requirements regarding health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits.
  • Team cohesion: building a cohesive IT team when team members are literally all over the world can be a challenge. Team bonding, trust-building, and camaraderie may be harder to establish and maintain.
  • Performance management: evaluating and managing the performance of international employees can be difficult when there are cultural differences in work standards and expectations. A one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective.
  • Communication and collaboration tools: finding the right tools and technologies to facilitate communication and collaboration across borders can be challenging. Ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary resources is essential for seamless teamwork.
  • Cultural sensitivity: being culturally sensitive and aware of different customs and practices is vital but can be demanding. Failure to show respect for cultural differences can lead to strained relationships and misunderstandings.

How can you get around this problem while still guaranteeing team expansion, productivity and cost efficiency? 

Introducing networking IT teams 🚀

Imagine a world where you can harness the expertise of top IT professionals without the sky-high expenses typically associated with recruiting talent from major cities. That’s precisely what networking teams bring to the table—a solution that not only addresses the pressing need for talent but also ensures cost efficiency. The core idea behind networking teams is to tap into the vast potential of individuals living in smaller towns and suburban areas, who often go unnoticed in traditional hiring processes. These hidden gems not only possess the IT skills and expertise your business requires but also offer a distinct advantage: a significantly lower cost of living. By tapping into the tech talent pool in smaller towns and suburban areas, you can access top IT professionals who not only bring valuable skills but also a more budget-friendly approach to compensation.  Another great option is relocating these professionals from major cities to smaller towns. Not only will you still have access to the benefits of working with a team outside of the metropolis, but you’ll also be actively contributing to the development of suburban areas by creating job posts and employing relocated professionals who will need housing, food, and so forth. The geographical proximity of these team members promotes collaboration, engagement, and a sense of community, all of which are still vital for success in today’s industry. 

Supercharging the solution with Tonnie

Landing.Jobs has teamed up with Tonnie to supercharge this solution. Tonnie specialises in training and employing professionals wherever they are.  By forming small, distributed IT teams within the same country, they create “mini-communities” where coworkers can collaborate and even consider co-living arrangements.

Meet Tonnie: they’re all about nurturing and employing international talent. They’re passionate about creating a network of professionals ready to work with your business. 

Benefits for IT professionals

Those living in smaller towns get to enjoy a lower cost of living, which means more disposable income. They experience a stable and healthier lifestyle and have access to Tonnie’s continuous training and qualification programs.  Living outside of the big cities and with a shared internal culture, IT teams will also have more opportunities to create co-living arrangements if they want. 

Benefits for your business

As a business, going for networking IT teams brings a lot of advantages. Here are five: 

  • Broader pool of candidates — geography is no longer a barrier. 
  • Cost savings — due to lower salaries for talent smaller/secondary cities. 
  • Cultural unity — facilitating more face-to-face work, even on a hybrid model, can often lead to fewer cultural clashes. 
  • Flexibility for growth — there are no logistical challenges with this model. 
  • Instilling company culture — easier in a close-knit team rather than in remote individuals.

Growing with high-performing teams 🚀

The solution provided by this partnership between Landing.Jobs and Tonnie helps you grow your potential with high-performing teams—commonly referred to as squads. These squads will work on clearing your backlog, improving your agile sprints, and ultimately boosting your delivery performance. These squads are designed to work together cohesively and efficiently, and the structure of each one will depend on your specific needs. Our recommended squad starts with seven essential members, including a tech lead, scrum master, and developers from relevant areas.  If you’re looking to optimize your team’s performance, reduce costs, and eliminate the complications that come with international hires, our networking teams are the perfect solutions for you.  You’ll have access to a broader pool of talent, lower expenses, and the ability to foster a collaborative, close-knit team environment. It’s time to take your business to the next level with Landing.Jobs and Tonnie by your side!

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