Pursuing a global IT job: remote work and relocation

As remote and relocation become part of many IT careers, it’s important to discuss pros and cons. Should you go global?

Unlocking tech talent stories

August 29, 2022

Many IT professionals want to dive into the new job paradigm: going remote or even relocating somewhere else. The pandemic posed a major influence in this shift, and technology played its role as an enabler. According to data from our study, more than 88% of the IT workforce work full or hybrid remote, and ​​8.9 out of 10 professionals are highly motivated for this type of work. 

Work-life balance and overall quality of life have something to do with it. The majority (25.1%) of IT professionals point out a better work-life balance as the main reason to work remotely, and 23,2% say that quality of life is the main reason to relocate to another continent. 

Other sources also point out productivity as a benefit of remote work, and let’s not forget that money plays a part too. IT professionals who still work in an office job are paid 1.9x less than full-remote jobs. It’s not just a matter of “if”, not even “when” — it’s about “who” will still not recognise this new reality and risk not being attractive enough and seeing their business fall behind.

The challenges of having a remote IT job

Pursuing a global IT job might be the easiest part, though, as executing it is most of the time where the trouble lies. Let’s go through 4 potential obstacles you might be up against:

Receiving a salary from another country

The prospect of a very appealing salary from an international company is one of the factors that lead IT professionals to pursue a global job. Maybe this has never even crossed your mind, but getting paid by an employer that’s located in another country is not as simple as it may seem. 

There’s the issue of compliance (making sure you’re not receiving anything illegally and abiding by the applicable tax laws is a must), safety (neither you nor your employer wants to get scammed) and reliability (everyone loves to be paid on time). Things might become even trickier for the employer if they’re hiring IT professionals from the 4 corners of the world—different tax laws to comply with.

Not only that, but if you’re planning on leading a digital nomad lifestyle, you’ll want to dig into what you need to do tax-wise. Remote work taxes are a thing, but we’ll also leave you this list of tax-friendly countries you can look into.

Multicultural work environment

While this might seem to you like a lot of “fluff”, trust me when I say that it’s a huge influence on how remote work feels. Things like team meetings and virtual chill-outs can go very differently depending on whether you have people from different parts of the world. 

This doesn’t necessarily have to be a problem, though. In fact, working through this challenge — because it definitely is one — is paramount and, if done well, can have so many added benefits. Not only will you be in a team that can works well together, but one that learns with each other. Here are some great tips on how this can be done.

Timezone compatibility

It goes without saying that not everyone or every company is aware that they need to make a conscious effort to adjust to different time zones when they’re in a global team. Failure to do so generally results in meetings that only a handful of team members are comfortable attending, leading to others not feeling respected because their well-being is not considered. This can ultimately lead to work environments that feel toxic and unhealthy. 

It’s important to break this habit, and if you feel like your team or your employer is not making an effort to adjust meetings to times that fit everyone, then speak out and make your point heard. 

The lack of in-person interactions 

Most IT professionals seek a remote or global job because they want a better work-life balance and overall quality of life. So what about falling into the trap of feeling like you don’t see anyone anymore and need more social interactions to keep you sane? 

Routines play an important role, and your efforts to contradict this feeling even more. Some employers organise quarterly or bi-annual company offsites, and while they are definitely something to look forward to, don’t rely on them alone to solve this issue. Seek other opportunities near you — friends, family, social clubs, etc. 

Is finding a global IT job still worth the hassle? 

Depends on who you are, but if remote work and a global career sounded appealing to you, then I would say: definitely. Remote work has a lot of benefits, like the fact that you no longer need to commute, the flexibility to be anywhere, the increased productivity, among other things.

All the obstacles that come attached to this new ambition can be solved, especially if you’re not doing it solo. Landing.Jobs has a program designed for IT professionals who are looking to make this jump in their career called the GoGlobal Program. Through this program, you can kick start your global IT job and not worry about the obstacles ahead. Besides, it gives you direct access to top companies from Europe and North America that are hiring IT talent.

Take the fast-track to a new global IT job

The GoGlobal Program is for IT professionals who know what they want: a new remote IT job for a top company, whether that means working from where you want or relocating near the company. 

What benefits do you have to gain from GoGlobal? 
  1. Be presented only with IT jobs that check all the boxes for you. You’ll be able to identify the types of jobs you are interested in so that only relevant opportunities come across you. 
  2. Stand out from the crowd through your skill. By taking some technical assessments, you can get ranked according to your performance.
  3. Be hired by prestigious companies. Get access to a selection of top companies from Europe and North America that are already looking for someone like you and are ready to start the hiring process. 
  4. Count of ongoing support. Our team will be ready to support you throughout the whole process. 

You can apply for the GoGlobal through this link, and the form won’t take more than a few seconds to fill out. After that, you just need to follow the instructions that arrive in your inbox. 

I hope this blog post was useful for you and has given you the motivation and tools to pursue your dream of a global IT job. 

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