Last week we hosted our first-ever edition of the Future.Works Distributed Teams Conference.
During 3 days, we hosted 9 speakers and a panel to discuss the importance of Distributed Teams in the current context of a lot of companies shifting to remote work policies. If you didn’t have the opportunity to participate, do not worry — we’ve compiled a summary with the best insights.
Monday — 15/06: Distributed Teams & People Management
Carlos showed how the development of Linux, an Operating System that you probably use every day and you may not know it, can be an example of a distributed model. He spoke about the Openness and also mentioned Trust, a good preview of the talk we were having after his own talk.
Pilar took us within the world of Trust, both on a personal side, but also cognitive trust. How much do you have to know regarding someone to trust them? Of course, that are different levels of trust. You don’t need to trust a person the same way to work with them comparing to let them take care of your cat!
To end the first day, we had Katie Womersley showing us how Buffer makes remote and distributed teams work. PSA: Mental Health matters and please, no really, please, don’t make decisions on Slack!

Tuesday-16/06: Culture & Communication
Erin spoke about the async advantage of Distributed Teams and how you can thrive on transparency and flexibility.
Roos spoke about culture and communication at GitLab. Lots of tricks and tips on how they deal with working remotely and distributed since 2011. Always be iterating with the results in mind!
Daniel helped us understand conversations. There’s a science on how you should communicate and participate in a conversation. And that gains way more importance on a Distributed Team.
Finally, to finish the day, Marina showed us a little bit of how the culture and transparency are built inside of Devexperts.

Wednesday — 17/06: Workspaces, Infrastructures & Security
- Moderator: Pierre Gein
- Panelists: António Vieira, Christian Lessing & Marcel Bodensiek
The last day of the Distributed Teams Conference started with 3 of the best Tech Centers in Portugal: Sky, tb.lx and Volkswagen Digital Services. In a panel moderated by Pierre Gein, we got to know the different experiences of the 3 centres with Distributed Teams and how the pandemic influenced that. António Vieira, Christian Lessing & Marcel Bodensiek gladly opened their companies to the audience.
Next, we received Laurel Farrer, who spoke about the 6 pillars of success for companies to ensure virtual sustainability and compliance.
Last but not least and to wrap-up the whole conference, Mark Kilby showed us how to navigate change when remote. Mentioning points by previous speakers, he remembered us that people have their own rhythm of going through changes, and that’s a factor on Distributed Teams as well.

We want to thank to all the sponsors that helped us bringing you the best event possible:
- Main Sponsor: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) & Landing.Jobs
- Stream Sponsor: OLX Group
- Daily Sponsors: Landing.Jobs (Monday), Devexperts (Tuesday), CML (Wednesday)
- Break Sponsors: CML, Landing.Jobs, Devexperts, tb.lx, Amyris, VW, Ironhack
Some interesting numbers regarding the event:
- Over 1000 registrations;
- Over 5k views;
- People from all over the world.
- Over 80 questions answered on the Q&A’s
- Most represented cities: Lisbon & Berlin (above 50 registrations),
- Following subset (10 to 50 registrations): Porto, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, Munich, London
If you didn’t manage to catch the talks live, you can check all of them in this special playlist on YouTube.
If you want to know more about the importance of Distributed Teams, here are 2 very interesting articles about it:
- Distributed Teams: The best of Office and Full-remote by Pedro Moura
- There is no “back to normal”: What about Distributed Teams? by Carlos Palminha
Aim for more!
Your Future.Works Distributed Teams Conference team