The tech talent world keeps changing
We have the tools so that you’re not left behind
- Source from our 300K+ user base and hire tech talent globally to work locally, cross-border or relocate.
- Use our Recruitment Marketplace directly or just have the best candidates handed to you by our tech recruiters.
- Have all applications curated and ranked to reduce your burden.
- Reduce risk: replace bad hires for free.
- Have Visa or Employer of Record needs attended.
- Flexible Risk-Shared Subscription or Pay-per-hire business models.
- Outsource your tech recruitment to our specialised team of distributed tech recruiters, partially or totally.
- Increase your recruitment capacity temporarily without increasing headcount.
- Use tech recruiters with local knowledge of the region and culture where you’re hiring.
- Access the latest knowledge about recruitment sources, channels, processes and tools.
- Have a dedicated TR team fully integrated within your company.
- Optimize costs and increase recruitment success.
- Extend your IT capacity by creating tech teams accessing vast pools of talent, optimising costs and de-risking your business.
- Access market information and everything you need to know to support decision-making.
- Have one provider helping you with everything you need, from company incorporation, office, legal and tax matters, recruitment, visa and relocation, payroll management, employer of record, etc.
- Have direct access to the local ecosystem and business networks.
Note: this service is only available for expansions in Portugal and/or Spain.
Let us handle the complexities of payroll, taxes, and compliance in different countries.
Ensure full compliance with local labor laws and tax regulations.
Simplify the onboarding and offboarding processes for your global tech team with our EOR and AOR expertise.
Provide your global tech talent access to region-specific benefits, social security, and healthcare plans.
Have full visibility into the costs associated with payroll and compliance — no hidden fees, no surprises.
Partner with us for a tech team hypergrowth in a short period of time.
Reduce risk and reach your hiring goals with a turn-key project.
Have a dedicated recruitment team sourcing, vetting and sending you the best candidates for hiring decision.
Reduce risk: replace bad hires for free.
Have Visa or Employer or Record needs attended. -
Optimise recruitment costs with a fixed turn-key pricing made for scale.
- Your business is unique, and so are your tech talent needs.
- Create your customised tech talent solution based on our tech talent products (Recruitment Market Platform, Employer Branding, Visa and Relocation Services, Employer of Record, Remote Process Outsourcing, HR-OPS).
- We tailor our business models to reduce risk, optimise costs and assure you reach your goals, whatever they are.
Recruit tech professionals globally or locally
- Source from our 300K+ user base and hire tech talent globally to work locally, cross-border, or relocate.
- Use our Recruitment Marketplace directly or just have the best candidates handed to you by our tech recruiters.
- Have all applications curated and ranked to reduce your burden.
- Reduce risk: replace bad hires for free.
- Have Visa or Employer of Record needs attended.
- Flexible Risk-Shared Subscription or Pay-per-hire business models.
Outsource your recruitment process
- Outsource your tech recruitment to our specialized team of distributed tech recruiters, partially or totally.
- Increase your recruitment capacity temporarily without increasing headcount.
- Use tech recruiters with local knowledge of the region and culture where you’re hiring.
- Access the latest knowledge about recruitment sources, channels, processes, and tools.
- Have a dedicated TR team fully integrated within your company.
- Optimize costs and increase recruitment success.
Build your tech team in another country
- Extend your IT capacity by creating tech teams accessing vast pools of talent, optimizing costs and de-risking your business.
- Access market information and everything you need to know to support decision-making.
- Have one provider helping you with everything you need, from company incorporation, office, legal and tax matters, recruitment, visa and relocation, payroll management, employer of record, etc.
- Have direct access to the local ecosystem and business networks.
Pay tech talent you recruit abroad
- Let us handle the complexities of payroll, taxes, and compliance in different countries.
- Ensure full compliance with local labor laws and tax regulations.
- Simplify the onboarding and offboarding processes for your global tech team with our EOR and AOR expertise.
- Provide your global tech talent access to region-specific benefits, social security, and healthcare plans.
- Have full visibility into the costs associated with payroll and compliance — no hidden fees, no surprises.
Volume recruitment project
- Partner with us for a tech team hypergrowth in a short period of time
- Reduce risk and reach your hiring goals with a turn-key project.
- Have a dedicated recruitment team sourcing, vetting and sending you the best candidates for hiring decision.
- Reduce risk: replace bad hires for free.
- Have Visa or Employer or Record needs attended.
- Optimise recruitment costs with a fixed turn-key pricing made for scale.
Customise your recruitment solution
- Your business is unique, and so are your tech talent needs.
- Create your customized tech talent solution based on our tech talent products (Recruitment Market Platform, Employer Branding, Visa and Relocation Services, Employer of Record, Remote Process Outsourcing, HR-OPS).
- We tailor our business models to reduce risk, optimize costs and assure you reach your goals, whatever they are.

tech talent


companies served

3 days
average candidate

30 days
average hire

tech talent


companies served

3 days
average candidate

30 days
average hire
Your tech recruitment needs covered from A to Z

One provider,
all the tech
talent products
you need.

Boost your brand awareness in your target talent segments, show your differentiators as an employer, increase the quality and quantity of candidates.

Source directly from our 250K+ user base, manage pre-vetted tech professionals and integrate with your ATS. From Junior Dev to CTO, from a couple to hundreds of hires.

Our recruitment platform integrates seamlessly with 50+ ATS, in order to streamline your hiring process and centralize all candidate data.

Dedicated sourcing
and vetting
Ensure a consistent pipeline of top-tier tech candidates, screened and matched to your specific requirements by our recruitment team.

Visa and
Embrace the globalisation of tech work and avoid talent shortage by hiring from a global talent pool, we take care of all dreadful Visa processes for you.

RPO (Remote Process
Augment your TR team with our temporary tech recruiters with local knowledge and experience. From one RPO to a full recruitment team.

EOR (Employer
of Record)
Hire great tech talent in countries where you don’t have a legal entity. Let us worry about onboarding, offboarding, payroll and all compliance requirements.

AOR (Agent
of Record)
Focus on your core business and expand your international operations confidently by allowing us to take care of all payroll, legal, and compliance obligations for your team of tech contractors.
Recommended by companies from all corners of the globe to boost their tech efforts
The tech talent world has never been easier to navigate

Have data at your fingertips

Stay ahead of industry trends